Tuesday, January 01, 2013

2012. What a Difficult Year

I have never been so happy to see a year end. You might think I’m not happy with the year is because Pres Obama won. Well, that would only be one part of it. I was wishing the year would end quickly by April. I guess it was just a year in which I had tons of stuff crammed into it.
The year started hectic. I volunteer to be Pres of the Washington County Republican Women and we started off with a bang and just kept going. It was definitely a lot more work and time than I had anticipated. I’m always busy at work. A good thing I suppose. A co-worker was having family problems which required her to drastically cut her hours. In fact she was out several months. The resulting review of our staffing led to a new hire. By September I had a fully functioning staff but I didn’t get caught up on the work until the end of December.
 Lots of meetings, fundraisers, working for candidates, getting all my continuing education in by December and just all of the stuff that needs to be done, I’m just plain worn out. Anyway, I said no to a number of requests and I hope in this new year to work on several projects that I didn’t get around to in 2012. One of them is this blog. I hope I can get back to writing in it regularly.

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