There is nothing like taking a bath in front of the fire. Especially when it's cold and raining outside.
More cats at Friday Ark
As the holiday season begins, 67% of American adults like stores to use the phrase "Merry Christmas" in their seasonal advertising rather than "Happy Holidays".
The nation's shoppers set aside worries about higher gas prices and a slumping housing market and proved their resilience over the Thanksgiving weekend, giving what the nation's merchants wished for - a strong start to the holiday shopping season.
ShopperTrak reported late Sunday that sales on Friday and Saturday combined rose 7.2 percent to $16.4 billion from the same two-day period a year ago. Total sales on Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, rose to $10.3 billion, up 8.3 percent from the same day a year ago. Martin had expected increases no greater than 5 percent.
Meanwhile, Internet research firm comScore Inc. reported a 22 percent gain in online sales on the day after Thanksgiving compared with the same day a year ago and estimated online sales would exceed $700 million online Monday, the official kickoff to the online shopping season.
"It's absolutely incredible," (Steve) Womack said. "There are no words to describe how bizarre this is."
Harold G. Hutcheson, 92 of West Fork, Arkansas, died Friday, November 16, 2007 at Fayetteville Veteran’s Home.
He was born September 5, l915, six miles south of West Fork, on Winn’s Creek, a son of Virgil T. and Zada Southern Hutcheson. He had been a member of the West Fork Presbyterian Church since September 3, 1972, serving as an elder for several years and before retiring had been a pastor of the West Fork church for almost l6 years. The Hutcheson family moved from the Winn’s Creek community to West Fork in l928 and the deceased graduated from West Fork High School with the class of l933. Later in l934 the family moved to Towanda, Kansas. The deceased enlisted in the Kansas National Guard in l940 and was mobilized into federal service in December of that same year. He served with Companies”I” and “M”, l37th Infantry, 35th Division, in the States in combat in the European Theater of Operations during World War II and was discharged in Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas, 11 October l945. He was a member of the 35th Division Association, the America Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, and Disabled Veterans of America. Before retiring in l978, Mr. Hutcheson spent 33 years publishing daily and weekly newspapers in Kansas, Missouri and Arkansas. He was co-founder and publisher of the Washington County Observer. In preparation for full time Christian service after retirement, he attended Manhattan (Kansas) Christian College in l978 and l979 before returning to Arkansas in l979. He completed the bachelor degree in Biblical Studies with the graduating class of August l981. He was preceded in death by Leone T.( Hughes) Hutcheson, his wife and by Dorothy (Gardner ) Hutcheson, his wife, a brother LeRoy “Arky” Hutcheson and a sister, Christine Yaryan. He is survived by: One daughter: Susanna K. Hutcheson of Wichita, Kansas One step-daughter: Cathy Keck of Fayetteville, AR Two Step sons: Roy G. Smith of West Fork, AR John Hughes and wife Margo of Arley, AL One Sister: Gretchen Wright of Gravois Mills, MO One Nephew: Sammy Hutcheson of Overland Park, KS Several step grandchildren.
Board member Jon Zimmer, like Drake, did not like the idea of the city losing its cable administrator.
" So far as I’m concerned, this is by far the most misguided proposal I can imagine, " he said. " How much money is being spent right now putting up Christmas lights ? The whole Square, for the last two weeks, has been occupied by monstrous machines and highly paid, I’m sure, rednecks, climbing up and down to put up all these lights. I think the cable channel is infinitely more important."
THERE'LL be no ho, ho, ho this Christmas. Aspiring Santas have been told not to use the term "ho" because it could be seen as derogatory to women.
The Democratic-led House of Representatives will try again to end U.S. combat in Iraq when it debates legislation this week tying new war funds to troop withdrawals, Speaker Nancy Pelosi said on Thursday.
As they have done in the past, House Democrats will try to attach conditions requiring the Pentagon to immediately begin withdrawing some of the 169,000 troops in Iraq, with the goal of completing the withdrawal by December 2008.
Thanks and Praise: I photographed men and women, both Christians and Muslims, placing a cross atop the St. John’s Church in Baghdad. They had taken the cross from storage and a man washed it before carrying it up to the dome.
When the bill that would extend farm subsidies for five years goes to the Senate floor this week, eight senators will have special reason to pay close attention: They or their relatives collected about $3 million in federal payments from 1995 to 2005, according to government records compiled by a non-partisan environmental group. Records show Lincoln and her family members collected $715,000 from 1995-2005, the most recent year complete data are available. She said she personally received less than $10,000 a year, and the subsidies ended in 2005 when her land was sold. Rep. Marion Berry, D-Ark., says the system works well. He and his family's farming interests received almost $2.4 million in federal payments from 1995-2005, records show. His net worth in 2005 was $1.7 million to $6.6 million, according to his financial disclosure statement. "He has firsthand experience of how this really benefits farmers," said his spokeswoman, Angela Guyadeen
Robertson on Wednesday said Giuliani is the best candidate to handle the War on Terror. He said Giuliani understands the need for a conservative judiciary, and that he is a "true fiscal conservative" who is tough on crime. "The overriding issue before the American people, is the defense of our population against the bloodlust of Islamic terrorists," Robertson told the National Press Club audience. "Our world faces deadly peril...and we need a leader with a bold vision who is not afraid to tackle the challenges ahead."
Even the International Monetary Fund, always ready to immolate the poor on the altar of business, now warns that using food to produce biofuels "might further strain already tight supplies of arable land and water all over the world, thereby pushing food prices up even further". This week, the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation will announce the lowest global food reserves in 25 years, threatening what it calls "a very serious crisis". Even when the price of food was low, 850 million people went hungry because they could not afford to buy it. With every increment in the price of flour or grain, several million more are pushed below the breadline.
The statement didn't say why the department changed its policy, but the controversy apparently spooked Gov. Chet Culver. He issued his own statement after administrators went public with their reversal. "It has come to my attention that a policy change made in December of 2006 - before I took office - is resulting in this ridiculous pumpkin tax," Culver said. "I have directed the Department of Revenue to do the common-sense thing and suspend collection of this tax and offer refunds to consumers or retailers who have been affected."Hey, that'll teach them to mess with our holiday fruits and vegetables.
Hillary Clinton’s top advisers charge that the presidential candidate was unfairly targeted by moderator Tim Russert during Tuesday night’s Democratic debate in Philadelphia. Russert asked Clinton a number of tough questions during the MSNBC-sponsored debate, including one on Social Security and another on the release of documents from the Bill Clinton administration, as she sought to fend off attacks from her Democratic rivals.