Tuesday, April 01, 2008

A Rainy Weekend

I realized that I was not going to have the weekend I planned when I got a phone call as I was leaving work Friday. It was from my aunt and uncle from Minnesota. It seems they were a few miles away and they wanted direction to my house. Oh crap! The house is a freaking mess! I broke all speed records getting home. They haven't shown up yet so I started to put things away. I kept cleaning up until I realize they should have been here by now, what happened? Sure enough, they called and they were still lost. They turn right when they should have turned left. Whew! I have more time to clean up! Well, we had a nice visit. They were on their way south and just stopped to spend the night and have a quick visit.
All the rain this weekend put a kibosh on my gardening plans. I did manage to pick up a few geocaches around town while I was running errands Saturday. I'm starting to learn how really mean and sneaky some people can be when they hide caches.

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