Saturday, February 17, 2007

Mamma Mia at Fayetteville

Oh Wow! I had a blast last night. I went to see Mamma Mia at the Walton Arts Center last night. It was so much fun! Of course, all the songs being from Abba, it was a trip down memory lane. At intermission a friend and I were remarking how much better the music was in the 70's and 80's. Boy, did we sound like a pair of old fogies! Laurie Wells, Lisa Mandel and Laura Ware (playing Donna and her old friends) were absolutely fantastic and funny.
Highlights of the show were the ensemble guys dancing in scuba gear with flippers , the girls mentioned above donning white spandex outfits with silver platform boots (a-la Elvis) singing “Super Trouper" and the same trio singing “Dancing Queen”. While the audience was giving the play a standing ovation, the cast came out and finished with an encores of “Mamma Mia,” “ Dancing Queen” and “Waterloo.” Many of the audience , including I, sang and danced along with them. On the drive home I was singing "Dancing Queen". Heck, I've been humming it all day. It'll be in my brain for a few days.

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