I asked Walt about all these transitions— from immigrant to American, from soldier to baker, from rolling out into combat, to tucking the kids in and reading bedtime stories.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Michael Yon's Soldier Story
Michael Yon has a new dispatch up. A great story about one of our soldiers wounded in Iraq.
Lance Armstrong, Cleared of Doping Charges
Finally! Lance Armstrong has been clear of doping in the 1999 Tour de France. A Dutch lawyer hired by the International Cycling Union issued a report that said drug tests conducted on urine samples from the 1999 Tour de France were mishandled so that the test results could not be linked with Armstrong or any other athlete.
I have always admired Lance, even more so since my own diagnosis of cancer. He has been very inspirational about getting on and not letting cancer get in the way of living. I do hope that the recommendation to convene a tribunal to discuss possible legal and ethical violations by the World Anti-Doping Agency happens. It would be a shame to allow WADA's attempts to get Lance on trumped up drug allegations go unpunished.
I have always admired Lance, even more so since my own diagnosis of cancer. He has been very inspirational about getting on and not letting cancer get in the way of living. I do hope that the recommendation to convene a tribunal to discuss possible legal and ethical violations by the World Anti-Doping Agency happens. It would be a shame to allow WADA's attempts to get Lance on trumped up drug allegations go unpunished.
Just For Pun
In my E-mail:
1. Two antennas met on a roof, fell in love and got married..The ceremony wasn't much, but the reception was excellent.
2. A jumper cable walks into a bar. The bartender says, "I'll serve you, but don't start anything."
3. Two peanuts walk into a bar, and one was a salted.
4. A dyslexic man walks into a bra.
5. A man walks into a bar with a slab of asphalt under his arm and says: "A beer please, and one for the road."
6. Two cannibals are eating a clown. One says to the other: "Does this taste funny to you?"
7. Patient: "Doc, I can't stop singing 'The Green, Green Grass of Home'"
Doctor: "That sounds like Tom Jones Syndrome."
Patient: "Is it common?"
Doctor: "Well, 'It's Not Unusual'"
8. Two cows are standing next to each other in a field. Daisy says to Dolly, "I was artificially inseminated this morning."
"I don't believe you," says Dolly.
"It's true, no bull!" exclaims Daisy.
9. An invisible man marries an invisible woman... The kids were nothing to look at either.
10. Deja Moo: The feeling that you've heard this bull before.
11. I went to buy some camouflage trousers the other day but I couldn't find any.
12. A man woke up in a hospital after a serious accident. He shouted, Doctor, doctor, I can't feel my legs!" The doctor replied, "I know you can't - I've cut off your arms!"
13. I went to a seafood disco last week... and pulled a mussel.
14. What do you call a fish with no eyes? A fsh.
15. Two fish swim into a concrete wall. The one turns to the other and says "Dam!"
16. Two Eskimos sitting in a kayak were chilly, so they lit a fire in the craft. Unsurprisingly it sank, proving again that you can't have your kayak and heat it too.
17. A group of chess enthusiasts checked into a hotel and were standing in the lobby discussing their recent tournament victories. After about an hour, the manager came out of the office and asked them to disperse. "But why," they asked, as they moved off. "Because", he said, "I can't stand chess-nuts boasting in an open foyer."
18. A woman has twins and gives them up for adoption. One of them goes to a family in Egypt and is named "Ahmal."
The other goes to a family in Spain; they name him "Juan." Years later, Juan sends a picture of himself to his birth mother. Upon receiving the picture, she tells her husband that she wishes she also had a picture of Ahmal. Her husband responds, "They're twins! If you've seen Juan, you've seen Ahmal."
19. Mahatma Gandhi, as you know, walked barefoot most of the time, which produced an impressive set of calluses on his feet. He also ate very little, which made him rather frail and with his odd diet, he suffered from bad breath. This made him ..(Oh, man, this is so bad, it's good)...
A super calloused fragile mystic hexed by halitosis.
20. And finally, there was the person who sent twenty different puns to his friends, with the hope that at least ten of the puns would make them laugh. No pun in ten did.
1. Two antennas met on a roof, fell in love and got married..The ceremony wasn't much, but the reception was excellent.
2. A jumper cable walks into a bar. The bartender says, "I'll serve you, but don't start anything."
3. Two peanuts walk into a bar, and one was a salted.
4. A dyslexic man walks into a bra.
5. A man walks into a bar with a slab of asphalt under his arm and says: "A beer please, and one for the road."
6. Two cannibals are eating a clown. One says to the other: "Does this taste funny to you?"
7. Patient: "Doc, I can't stop singing 'The Green, Green Grass of Home'"
Doctor: "That sounds like Tom Jones Syndrome."
Patient: "Is it common?"
Doctor: "Well, 'It's Not Unusual'"
8. Two cows are standing next to each other in a field. Daisy says to Dolly, "I was artificially inseminated this morning."
"I don't believe you," says Dolly.
"It's true, no bull!" exclaims Daisy.
9. An invisible man marries an invisible woman... The kids were nothing to look at either.
10. Deja Moo: The feeling that you've heard this bull before.
11. I went to buy some camouflage trousers the other day but I couldn't find any.
12. A man woke up in a hospital after a serious accident. He shouted, Doctor, doctor, I can't feel my legs!" The doctor replied, "I know you can't - I've cut off your arms!"
13. I went to a seafood disco last week... and pulled a mussel.
14. What do you call a fish with no eyes? A fsh.
15. Two fish swim into a concrete wall. The one turns to the other and says "Dam!"
16. Two Eskimos sitting in a kayak were chilly, so they lit a fire in the craft. Unsurprisingly it sank, proving again that you can't have your kayak and heat it too.
17. A group of chess enthusiasts checked into a hotel and were standing in the lobby discussing their recent tournament victories. After about an hour, the manager came out of the office and asked them to disperse. "But why," they asked, as they moved off. "Because", he said, "I can't stand chess-nuts boasting in an open foyer."
18. A woman has twins and gives them up for adoption. One of them goes to a family in Egypt and is named "Ahmal."
The other goes to a family in Spain; they name him "Juan." Years later, Juan sends a picture of himself to his birth mother. Upon receiving the picture, she tells her husband that she wishes she also had a picture of Ahmal. Her husband responds, "They're twins! If you've seen Juan, you've seen Ahmal."
19. Mahatma Gandhi, as you know, walked barefoot most of the time, which produced an impressive set of calluses on his feet. He also ate very little, which made him rather frail and with his odd diet, he suffered from bad breath. This made him ..(Oh, man, this is so bad, it's good)...
A super calloused fragile mystic hexed by halitosis.
20. And finally, there was the person who sent twenty different puns to his friends, with the hope that at least ten of the puns would make them laugh. No pun in ten did.
Mike Masterson on Jim Holt
Mike Masterson gets why Jim Holt won. Jim is just a normal, everyday person.
I wonder if the Democrat party, some of the Republican party and the MSM really understand the regular Arkansan. Jim Holt's issues resonate with most people.
Has the label of radical and extremist been pinned on Holt because he is an unabashed, committed Christian?
I agree with Mike about Jim's love of talking. I thinks he puts it nicer than I have. The worst I can think to say about Holt is that occasionally he talks before he thinks.
Here's how I think Holt won the GOP end. This devout Christian father of nine, a plain-spoken state senator, believes as the majority of conservative Arkansans do when it comes to constitutional precedence, taxation, immigration and needless law-making, to cite only a few issues. While some detractors with their own agendas enjoy painting Holt as a raving fundamentalist-Christian, extremist, reactionary, contentious zealot, the majority who voted obviously see through such character assassination.
I wonder if the Democrat party, some of the Republican party and the MSM really understand the regular Arkansan. Jim Holt's issues resonate with most people.
How many mainstream Arkansans do you suppose are opposed to a candidate who is a devout Christian ? Are conservative mainstreamers here against following our nation's constitutional principles ? Do most citizens, liberal or conservative, enjoy paying exorbitant taxes without voting on them ? Do the majority believe that our sovereign country should not strictly enforce immigration laws ?
Has the label of radical and extremist been pinned on Holt because he is an unabashed, committed Christian?
Apparently, his faith didn't much bother the 33,000 or so conservatives who voted for Holt statewide
I agree with Mike about Jim's love of talking. I thinks he puts it nicer than I have. The worst I can think to say about Holt is that occasionally he talks before he thinks.
The worst I can think to say about this man is boy, does he love to talk.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
The Absurd Radicals
I finally managed to get time to check out AETN: Unconventional Wisdom
Thanks Bullwhiz
Guests on the show were Republican Chairman Gibert Baker and Democrat Chairman Jason Willett. I found it interesting that Jason tried to lump the top three spots on the Republican ticket as radical right wingers. He particularly attacked Jim Holt, calling him an absurd, radical right winger. I find this really strange coming from a Chairman of a party whose main base is the looney left. This party has even started to attack their own moderate politicians.
How about the some of quest speakers at the wacky kook convention being held in Las Vegas. These speakers are the Democrat leaders: Howard Dean, Harry Reid, Barbara Boxer, Nancy Pelosi and Wesley Clark.
Jason, before you start slinging terms like "radical and extreme" around, you'd better look at your own party. To quote from a person whom you'd like to stay out of politics "Why do you look at the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?"
Thanks Bullwhiz
Guests on the show were Republican Chairman Gibert Baker and Democrat Chairman Jason Willett. I found it interesting that Jason tried to lump the top three spots on the Republican ticket as radical right wingers. He particularly attacked Jim Holt, calling him an absurd, radical right winger. I find this really strange coming from a Chairman of a party whose main base is the looney left. This party has even started to attack their own moderate politicians.
We're talking about a primary here, not controlled by the vascillating sheeple in the middle but by activists like you and me. I don't see most Dems getting too excited about interrupting their day to go out and vote in a primary for Jo-mentum. I do, however see a lot of excited grass roots Dems ready to volunteer or contribute to someone who makes sense and is not the kind of opportunist tool of the Bush administration that Joe Lieberman certainly is.
If there is a movement for Joe (I've predicted before) it will come from Republicans injecting themselves into this race, somehow. He is their new Zell Miller, the Democratic MVP! As for me and the people I know, we'll be checking our voting status, changing from unafilliated (if necessary) and voting for Ned Lamont (by absentee preferably). Jimdish25
How about the some of quest speakers at the wacky kook convention being held in Las Vegas. These speakers are the Democrat leaders: Howard Dean, Harry Reid, Barbara Boxer, Nancy Pelosi and Wesley Clark.
Jason, before you start slinging terms like "radical and extreme" around, you'd better look at your own party. To quote from a person whom you'd like to stay out of politics "Why do you look at the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?"
Garage Chemistry
In high school I was one of those science geeks. I was into plants, animals, microbiology and genetics. There were others that were into computers, chemistry and physics. I think they had the most fun. You see, we were occasionally treated to their schemes to make something or to get something to explode. Kids like those are disappearing and it's the government trying to stamp out all the fun of science.
Since the Oklahoma City bombing and 9/11, the Defense Department, FBI, and other government agencies have strategized ways of tracking even small purchases of potentially dangerous chemicals. Many of these small purchases are those brilliant kids learning in their own homes.
The lost of the garage lab and a lack of real science education in the classroom is hurting our students. This comes at a time when America is falling behind in the number of science and engineering degrees awarded in the 18-to-24 age group.
It's quite evident that students are not going to get the science education they need from our schools. It's too bad that these amateur scientists have to resort to an underground culture in order for the tradition of home laboratory to survive. America is going to continue to under-perform in the sciences unless it can find a way to accommidate our budding scientists.
The lure of do-it-yourself chemistry has always been the most potent recruiting tool science has to offer. Many kids attracted by the promise of filling the garage with clouds of ammonium sulfide " the proverbial stink bomb " went on to brilliant careers in mathematics, biology, programming, and medicine.
Since the Oklahoma City bombing and 9/11, the Defense Department, FBI, and other government agencies have strategized ways of tracking even small purchases of potentially dangerous chemicals. Many of these small purchases are those brilliant kids learning in their own homes.
In the meantime, more than 30 states have passed laws to restrict sales of chemicals and lab equipment associated with meth production, which has resulted in a decline in domestic meth labs, but makes things daunting for an amateur chemist shopping for supplies. It is illegal in Texas, for example, to buy such basic labware as Erlenmeyer flasks or three-necked beakers without first registering with the state's Department of Public Safety to declare that they will not be used to make drugs. Among the chemicals the Portland, Oregon, police department lists online as "commonly associated with meth labs" are such scientifically useful compounds as liquid iodine, isopropyl alcohol, sulfuric acid, and hydrogen peroxide, along with chemistry glassware and pH strips.
The chemophobia that's put a damper on home science has also invaded America's classrooms, where hands-on labs are being replaced by liability-proof teacher demonstrations with the explicit message Don't try this at home. A guide for teachers of grades 7 through 12 issued by the American Chemical Society in 2001 makes the prospect of an hour in the lab seem fraught with peril: "Every chemical, without exception, is hazardous. Did you know that oxygen is poisonous if inhaled at a concentration a bit greater than its natural concentration in the air? "More than half of the suggested experiments in a multimedia package for schools called "You Be the Chemist," created in 2004 by the Chemical Educational Foundation, are to be performed by the teacher alone, leaving students to blow up balloons (with safety goggles in place) or answer questions like "How many pretzels can you eat in a minute?"
The lost of the garage lab and a lack of real science education in the classroom is hurting our students. This comes at a time when America is falling behind in the number of science and engineering degrees awarded in the 18-to-24 age group.
"You have to capture kids' imaginations very young or you lose them forever," says Steve Spangler, a former protégé of Mr. Wizard who is now a science correspondent for the NBC affiliate in Denver. "But that's hard when you have teachers required to check out vinegar and baking soda from the front office because something bad might happen in class. Slowly but surely the teaching tools are being taken away, so schools end up saying, "Let's get a college professor to do this demonstration, and kids can watch the streaming video."
It's quite evident that students are not going to get the science education they need from our schools. It's too bad that these amateur scientists have to resort to an underground culture in order for the tradition of home laboratory to survive. America is going to continue to under-perform in the sciences unless it can find a way to accommidate our budding scientists.
"Taking chemicals and lab equipment away from kids who love science is like taking crayons and paints away from a kid who may grow up to be an artist." Bob Lazar
Global Warming Alert
I'm finding very hard to control my laughter as I write about this.
Timberland, the outdoor clothing company, is very conscientious about the greenhouse gases associated with it's manufacturing.
To put in layman terms, the cow's farts are the major contributor to the company's greenhouse gases. What's even more hilarious, the company is working to decrease the amount that a cow farts. Timberland is considering ways to change the feed for cows to reduce cow farts.
I wonder, in an effort to control the amount of gas that a cow produces are they going to have fart police? What would be the penalty for farting too much? People really do stupid things to satisfy a theory that has no solid scientific basis.
More thoughts:
You know, a meteor might not have wiped out the dinosaurs. It could have been their farts. Those guys were really big so their farts must have huge. Think of all the gas they dumped into the atmosphere.
Timberland, the outdoor clothing company, is very conscientious about the greenhouse gases associated with it's manufacturing.
"As it turns out, the vast majority of the greenhouse gases associated with manufacturing leather comes from cows in the field," Mr. Swartz said. "Yes, methane."
To put in layman terms, the cow's farts are the major contributor to the company's greenhouse gases. What's even more hilarious, the company is working to decrease the amount that a cow farts. Timberland is considering ways to change the feed for cows to reduce cow farts.
I wonder, in an effort to control the amount of gas that a cow produces are they going to have fart police? What would be the penalty for farting too much? People really do stupid things to satisfy a theory that has no solid scientific basis.
More thoughts:
You know, a meteor might not have wiped out the dinosaurs. It could have been their farts. Those guys were really big so their farts must have huge. Think of all the gas they dumped into the atmosphere.
Monday, May 29, 2006
Memorial Day

There were those who came with their friends.

There were those who stood alone.

A young soldier honoring those who served before him.

Volunteers made sure that all the graves had flags. Many people came and left floral tributes.

Flowers weren't the only thing left on the graves.

Unknown but not forgotten.
Friday, May 26, 2006
The New Pool
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Immigration, 1986 Revisited
There is another great article about immigration. This is from Edwin Meese III. He takes us back to the 1986 immigration policy, which he supported. He says of the difference between today’s bill and the bill of 1986:
He remarked that President Reagan
Wow, 20 years later we’re still asking for this border security and law enforcement. I side with Meese, the points sound very familiar.
If border security and immigration laws passed in 1986, why are we trying to pass the damn thing again? How many times are we going to be passing this bill? In another 20 years is Congress going to revisit the bill again? In 1986, 2.7 million illegals got amnesty, the current bill might give 12 million illegals amnesty. How many in 2026? So why didn’t the 1986 act work?
The key phrase is “failure of political will in enforcing new laws”. Congress has never made a serious effort to enforce immigration laws and they sure aren’t intending to do it in the future. Meese concludes:
The President and the Senate aren't learning from the failures of the past. I just hope the House will.
The difference is that President Reagan called this what it was: amnesty. Indeed, look up the term "amnesty" in Black's Law Dictionary, and you'll find it says, "the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act provided amnesty for undocumented aliens already in the country."
He remarked that President Reagan
In exchange for allowing aliens to stay, he(Reagan) decided, border security and enforcement of immigration laws would be greatly strengthened — in particular, through sanctions against employers who hired illegal immigrants. If jobs were the attraction for illegal immigrants, then cutting off that option was crucial.
Wow, 20 years later we’re still asking for this border security and law enforcement. I side with Meese, the points sound very familiar.
Note that this path to citizenship was not automatic. Indeed, the legislation stipulated several conditions: immigrants had to pay application fees, learn to speak English, understand American civics, pass a medical exam and register for military selective service. Those with convictions for a felony or three misdemeanors were ineligible. Sound familiar?
If border security and immigration laws passed in 1986, why are we trying to pass the damn thing again? How many times are we going to be passing this bill? In another 20 years is Congress going to revisit the bill again? In 1986, 2.7 million illegals got amnesty, the current bill might give 12 million illegals amnesty. How many in 2026? So why didn’t the 1986 act work?
There is a practical problem as well: the 1986 act did not solve our illegal immigration problem. From the start, there was widespread document fraud by applicants. Unsurprisingly, the number of people applying for amnesty far exceeded projections. And there proved to be a failure of political will in enforcing new laws against employers
The key phrase is “failure of political will in enforcing new laws”. Congress has never made a serious effort to enforce immigration laws and they sure aren’t intending to do it in the future. Meese concludes:
President Bush and Congress would do better to start with securing the border and strengthening enforcement of existing immigration laws.
The fair and sound policy is to give those who are here illegally the opportunity to correct their status by returning to their country of origin and getting in line with everyone else. This, along with serious enforcement and control of the illegal inflow at the border — a combination of incentives and disincentives — will significantly reduce over time our population of illegal immigrants.
The President and the Senate aren't learning from the failures of the past. I just hope the House will.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Squared Off!
From Boing Boing, growing a square watermelon. Hmmm, I've got a watermelon in my garden. Should I experiment?
Congress, No Drilling Allowed
Since Congress won't do their part to help us expand our domestic energies supplies, they need to do their part in conserving what we have. I therefore propose the following:
1. Turn off the heat and air-conditioning in their offices. They can wear coats and gloves in the winter. In addition, all that hot air is bound to help with heating. They can go back home in the summer. Quite frankly, the less they do in Washington, the less damage they do to the country.
2. Remove their parking spaces at the Capitol and congressional office buildings. Let them walk or bike to work with the rest of us.
3. Remove their reserved parking spots at R. Reagan Washington National Airport . They can take the Metro. It's a good time to talk to the people they represent.
4. No more foreign junkets. They can use the internet like the rest of us to find information. No more weekend airline trips home to visit the constituents. They have computers and phones, use them. If they have to travel let them take the bus or train.
5. If they have to drive in Washington, make them use those hybrid cars they love so much.
Feel free to add your energy saving ideas for Congress.
Despite talk of an energy crisis and the need for independence from foreign oil, Congress seems to be in no mood to open more of the country's coastal waters to energy development.
The House late Thursday rejected an attempt to end the quarter-century ban on oil and natural gas drilling that has been in effect for 85 percent of the country's coastal waters from Alaska to New England despite arguments that new supplies are needed to lower energy costs
Since Congress won't do their part to help us expand our domestic energies supplies, they need to do their part in conserving what we have. I therefore propose the following:
1. Turn off the heat and air-conditioning in their offices. They can wear coats and gloves in the winter. In addition, all that hot air is bound to help with heating. They can go back home in the summer. Quite frankly, the less they do in Washington, the less damage they do to the country.
2. Remove their parking spaces at the Capitol and congressional office buildings. Let them walk or bike to work with the rest of us.
3. Remove their reserved parking spots at R. Reagan Washington National Airport . They can take the Metro. It's a good time to talk to the people they represent.
4. No more foreign junkets. They can use the internet like the rest of us to find information. No more weekend airline trips home to visit the constituents. They have computers and phones, use them. If they have to travel let them take the bus or train.
5. If they have to drive in Washington, make them use those hybrid cars they love so much.
Feel free to add your energy saving ideas for Congress.
Immigration, Debunking the Talking Points
Bordering on Fraud
Thomas Sowell takes on the politician's glib, fraudulent statements on immigration. Of course we all know how important illegals are to our agriculture. Why, without them we'd be paying $10 for a head of lettuce. Wait, Sowell says
It's seems that 75% of the those agriculture jobs are done by American's. Are those other jobs being mostly done by American's? What's next? Oh, that amnesty that's really not amnesty. Sowell:
We have to make those illegals citizens. After all, it's impossible to deport 12 million people. Heh, I really like Sowell's answer to this:
If the politicians are going to grant amnesty to law-breakers, I need to start robbing banks. So, if we were to attempt to deport all these illegals, the economy will take a dive down. Not so, says Sowell:
Ohh, I really like this question. Sowell asks:
It's not only the violation of laws, the government blatantly ignores the laws. It's as if they never existed. And lastly, the issue of getting the border protected.
President Bush and the Senate need to realize that we aren't being fooled by them. I don't want to hear about "comprehensive immigration reform". They are selling us on the idea that to secure the border we need this huge new complex of laws, and that's a lie. It could be done today, if there is a will to do it. The volunteers already showed that it can be done. If they can't, or won't, secure the border, why should we trust them with immigration reform?
Thomas Sowell takes on the politician's glib, fraudulent statements on immigration. Of course we all know how important illegals are to our agriculture. Why, without them we'd be paying $10 for a head of lettuce. Wait, Sowell says
The highest concentration of illegals is in agriculture, where they are 24 percent of the people employed. That means three-quarters of the people are not illegal aliens. But when will the glib phrase-mongers stop telling us that the illegals are simply taking "jobs that Americans won't do"?
It's seems that 75% of the those agriculture jobs are done by American's. Are those other jobs being mostly done by American's? What's next? Oh, that amnesty that's really not amnesty. Sowell:
Another insult to our intelligence is that amnesty is not amnesty if you call it something else. The fact that illegals will have to fulfill certain requirements to become American citizens is supposed to mean that this is not amnesty.
But let's do what the spinmeisters hope we will never do -- stop and think. Amnesty is overlooking ("forgetting," as in amnesia) the violation of the law committed by those who have crossed our borders illegally.
The fact that there are requirements for getting American citizenship is a separate issue entirely.
We have to make those illegals citizens. After all, it's impossible to deport 12 million people. Heh, I really like Sowell's answer to this:
There is probably no category of law-breakers -- from counterfeiters to burglars or from jay-walkers to murderers -- who can all be found and arrested. But no one suggests that we must therefore make what they have done legal.
Such an argument would suggest that there is nothing in between 100 percent effective law enforcement and zero percent effective law enforcement
If the politicians are going to grant amnesty to law-breakers, I need to start robbing banks. So, if we were to attempt to deport all these illegals, the economy will take a dive down. Not so, says Sowell:
The reverse twist on this argument is that suddenly taking 12 million people out of the labor force would disrupt the economy. No one has ever said -- or probably even dreamed -- that we could suddenly find all 12 million illegal immigrants at once and send them all home immediately. This is another straw man argument
Ohh, I really like this question. Sowell asks:
Why are people who are so gung ho for punishing employers so utterly silent about needing to punish government officials who openly and deliberately violate federal laws?
It's not only the violation of laws, the government blatantly ignores the laws. It's as if they never existed. And lastly, the issue of getting the border protected.
Putting unarmed national guardsmen on the border is another cosmetic move, a placebo instead of real medicine. The excuse is that it is not possible to train more than 1,500 border patrol agents a year. Meanwhile, we have trained well over 200,000 Iraqi security forces while guerilla warfare raged around them.
President Bush and the Senate need to realize that we aren't being fooled by them. I don't want to hear about "comprehensive immigration reform". They are selling us on the idea that to secure the border we need this huge new complex of laws, and that's a lie. It could be done today, if there is a will to do it. The volunteers already showed that it can be done. If they can't, or won't, secure the border, why should we trust them with immigration reform?
Eminent Domain against Wal-Mart
Hercules's City Council doesn't like the fact that Wal-Mart wants build a store in their town. Their solution:
The Supreme Court's decision allowing seizures is going to be it's worse decision in history. Even big corporations like Wal-Mart are not going to be safe from the tyranny of local governments. What's really bad about this community is that they don't mind if shops are on that land, they just don't want them to be Wal-Mart.
Wal-Mart's initial proposal for a 142,000-square foot store near Hercules' San Pablo Bay waterfront were rejected by the City Council. So the company submitted a scaled-down plan that included a pedestrian plaza, two outdoor eating areas and other small shops, including a pharmacy.
Hercules said no again, and opponents began raising the possibility of eminent domain, a legal tactic where government agencies can take land from its owners for the public good. Cities sometimes use eminent domain to build roads or redevelop properties, but the owners must be paid fair market value for their land.
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled last year that such seizures are allowable if the construction raises the tax base and benefits the entire community. Some residents and city officials say the land, which is currently open space, would be better suited for upscale stores that attract affluent shoppers and give the suburb a classy touch.
The Supreme Court's decision allowing seizures is going to be it's worse decision in history. Even big corporations like Wal-Mart are not going to be safe from the tyranny of local governments. What's really bad about this community is that they don't mind if shops are on that land, they just don't want them to be Wal-Mart.
Saturday, May 20, 2006
A Day for the Dogs
This morning was a big treat for Casey and Trixie. We went to the 14th Annual Dogwood Walk benefiting the Humane Society of the Ozarks. Before going to Gulley Park we went to the Farmer's Market. This is the first time Casey has gone to the Market. He did extremely well!

Casey and Trixie resting in the shade. I put on their little Dogwalk bandannas.

There were a number of booths offering services or food. We got a lot of free stuff! They also set up an agility exhibit. I was able to run Casey through the equipment.

Police Chief Frank Johnson of the Fayetteville Police was the honorary Dogwalk marshall.

There were lots of dogs and people!

We are walking!

It was really warm! Casey and Trixie took their turn on laying in the ice dumped out on the ground.

Casey and Trixie resting in the shade. I put on their little Dogwalk bandannas.

There were a number of booths offering services or food. We got a lot of free stuff! They also set up an agility exhibit. I was able to run Casey through the equipment.

Police Chief Frank Johnson of the Fayetteville Police was the honorary Dogwalk marshall.

There were lots of dogs and people!

We are walking!

It was really warm! Casey and Trixie took their turn on laying in the ice dumped out on the ground.
Friday, May 19, 2006
Shhh, We're Sleeping!
The Boys
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Really Dumb Thief
This story really got my morning started off with a laugh!
I guess if you're stealing you're not really smart in the first place.
I guess if you're stealing you're not really smart in the first place.
Mike Huckabee; We're Racists
From the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette
Mike Huckabee thinks I'm a racist. Just because I want the federal government to live up to its responsibility to secure our borders. I'm racist because I want to increase border-patrol agents, immigration inspectors, and detention beds so that I don't have to worry about terrorists crossing the borders.
I'm racist because I have no desire to continue to pay for Medicaid ($2.5 billion); treatment for the uninsured ($2.2 billion); food assistance programs ($1.9 billion); the federal prison and court systems ($1.6 billion); and federal aid to schools ($1.4 billion). Report
I'm racist because illegals are to be pardoned for crimes, like using a phony Social Security card and drivers license, which would land any American in serious trouble. Instead of facing punishment they are being rewarded with citizenship.
I'm racist because I believe that Bush's "illegals-must-wait-at-the-end-of-the-line" is a con job. Illegals, by remaining in the country and jumping into the citizenship line, rather than the visa line, have jumped way ahead of law-abiding immigrants waiting in their home countries for a visa.
Huckabee's statement is utterly contemptible. His attitude toward the American people really stinks. We have voiced valid concerns. No one has ever said that we must deport all of the illegals. What we want is to first secure our border. After that occurs, then we'll talk about a worker program and amnesty. Huckabee, these are racists.
Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee said Tuesday that he believes he knows what's behind the anti-immigration feelings of some Americans.
"If I were to say some of it is driven by just sheer racism, I think I would be telling you the truth," Huckabee said as he shared sandwiches and salad with close to 20 national and regional political reporters.
"I'm not saying everybody who is very, very angry [about immigration ] is a racist. I want to be very clear about that. But I've had conversations with people, and it became evident what they really didn't like is that people didn't look like them, didn't talk like them and didn't celebrate the holidays they do, and they just had a problem with it."
Mike Huckabee thinks I'm a racist. Just because I want the federal government to live up to its responsibility to secure our borders. I'm racist because I want to increase border-patrol agents, immigration inspectors, and detention beds so that I don't have to worry about terrorists crossing the borders.
I'm racist because I have no desire to continue to pay for Medicaid ($2.5 billion); treatment for the uninsured ($2.2 billion); food assistance programs ($1.9 billion); the federal prison and court systems ($1.6 billion); and federal aid to schools ($1.4 billion). Report
I'm racist because illegals are to be pardoned for crimes, like using a phony Social Security card and drivers license, which would land any American in serious trouble. Instead of facing punishment they are being rewarded with citizenship.
I'm racist because I believe that Bush's "illegals-must-wait-at-the-end-of-the-line" is a con job. Illegals, by remaining in the country and jumping into the citizenship line, rather than the visa line, have jumped way ahead of law-abiding immigrants waiting in their home countries for a visa.
Huckabee's statement is utterly contemptible. His attitude toward the American people really stinks. We have voiced valid concerns. No one has ever said that we must deport all of the illegals. What we want is to first secure our border. After that occurs, then we'll talk about a worker program and amnesty. Huckabee, these are racists.
The Da Vinci Code
Well, I am surprised. I thought this movie would be pronounced great and fantastic by the Hollywood elite. After all, it's a movie that distorts the Bible and the Christian faith. I'd assume it would get wonderful reviews. It didn't. It has been has been described "grim", "unwieldy" and "plodding".
I have read the book. Everyone was reading it so I though it must be good. I was a bit disappointed. The book was so-so. It wasn't particularly thrilling and a bit boring in spots. The final disclosure of the big secret that Jesus Christ marrying Mary Magdalene and having a child by her was a big thud. I've heard this myth before. If the movie follows that book closely it's no wonder it bombed.
I have read the book. Everyone was reading it so I though it must be good. I was a bit disappointed. The book was so-so. It wasn't particularly thrilling and a bit boring in spots. The final disclosure of the big secret that Jesus Christ marrying Mary Magdalene and having a child by her was a big thud. I've heard this myth before. If the movie follows that book closely it's no wonder it bombed.
Monday, May 15, 2006
The President's speech
Well, I thought that I wouldn't be happy with what he said and I was right. It was nice that he admitted to the cost of illegals and that control of the borders has been lost. It's too bad he didn't take some responsibility for the state of our borders.
I see the National Guards as just a bone to toss to his critics. They aren't going to be there long enough and they're not going to be doing any real enforcement. What's going to happen if the "virtual fence" doesn't get built? What if the additional border guards aren't produced? Will they just withdraw the Guard and hope no one notices?
Stopping the catch and release program sounds great. Will they actually do it or will it be back to letting them go when no one is watching?
He hauled out that guest worker program. I have some questions. Who is going to pay for it? Who is going to keep track of all these workers? This is going to a one bureaucratic mess, full of paperwork and ripe for fraud. Who's going to be responsible for it and how will they monitor it? Who really wants it?
I don't care how many times he says it not amnesty, if it waddles and quacks it's a duck. What he proposed was amnesty. Just another slap in the face of those who are becoming citizens legally.
I'm not even going to think about a guest worker program or amnesty until the President gets really serious about securing and protecting the border. I don't think he is. I no longer trust him.
I see the National Guards as just a bone to toss to his critics. They aren't going to be there long enough and they're not going to be doing any real enforcement. What's going to happen if the "virtual fence" doesn't get built? What if the additional border guards aren't produced? Will they just withdraw the Guard and hope no one notices?
Stopping the catch and release program sounds great. Will they actually do it or will it be back to letting them go when no one is watching?
He hauled out that guest worker program. I have some questions. Who is going to pay for it? Who is going to keep track of all these workers? This is going to a one bureaucratic mess, full of paperwork and ripe for fraud. Who's going to be responsible for it and how will they monitor it? Who really wants it?
I don't care how many times he says it not amnesty, if it waddles and quacks it's a duck. What he proposed was amnesty. Just another slap in the face of those who are becoming citizens legally.
I'm not even going to think about a guest worker program or amnesty until the President gets really serious about securing and protecting the border. I don't think he is. I no longer trust him.
The Immigration Speech Tonight
I’ll be watching the President tonight but it appears that I’m not going to be happy about what he will say. Reading what has been leaked out, I’m in for a disappointment. The few National Guardsmen being sent to the border would appear to play a minor role in enforcement. Doesn’t that word “temporarily” just frost you? It’s as if he’s hoping people would quickly forget about border security and then “bang” no more Guard.
Why is Bush more concerned about reassuring Vicente Fox then he is about the security concerns of the American citizen? Why is it OK to have the Mexican army cross our border but it’s not OK for us to protect it?
Quite frankly, I feel like Bush is treating those of us who want border security and immigration law enforcement like spoiled children. He’ll give us few toys to play with and sending us off to play. We are being bribe like children so that he can get a historically disastrous, unmanageable, and utterly ineffective amnesty proposal passed. Instead of getting real enforcement we’re going to get condescension.
What Bush should be doing is to stop pandering to employer lobbies, Mexico and questionable future voters and speak to the things all Americans agree upon. No immigration policy is workable without secure borders and enforcement of current laws.
Why is Bush more concerned about reassuring Vicente Fox then he is about the security concerns of the American citizen? Why is it OK to have the Mexican army cross our border but it’s not OK for us to protect it?
"Mexican President Vicente Fox reached out to President Bush this morning to relay his concerns about consideration of a plan by the United States to deploy National Guard forces to the border region. President Bush made clear that the United States considers Mexico a friend and that what is being considered is not a militarization of the border, but support of Border Patrol capabilities, on a temporary basis, by National Guard personnel," Tamburri said.
"The president reiterated to President Fox his commitment to comprehensive immigration reform," she added. Fox's office also released a statement saying Bush assured the Mexican president that any military support would be administrative and logistical and would come from the National Guard, not the Army.
Quite frankly, I feel like Bush is treating those of us who want border security and immigration law enforcement like spoiled children. He’ll give us few toys to play with and sending us off to play. We are being bribe like children so that he can get a historically disastrous, unmanageable, and utterly ineffective amnesty proposal passed. Instead of getting real enforcement we’re going to get condescension.
What Bush should be doing is to stop pandering to employer lobbies, Mexico and questionable future voters and speak to the things all Americans agree upon. No immigration policy is workable without secure borders and enforcement of current laws.
Saturday, May 13, 2006
By George, It's Time to Celebrate Cytology

Happy National Cytotechnology Day! Today is Dr. George Papanicolaou's birthday and we take this opportunity to commemorate Dr. PapanicolaouÂ’s contributions to the field of medicine. Dr. Papanicolaou is best known for his development of the "Pap test," for the cytologic diagnosis of cervical cancer. It's also an opportunity to emphasize the importance of getting a yearly Pap smear.

We can't forget the contributions of cytotechnologists to the health care field. We look for early indications of cancer on the pap smear. Pre-cancer lesions are easily treated. We don't want to see this on a slide! Squamous cell Carcinoma! Get your yearly pap smear!
Friday, May 12, 2006
Republican Candidates Forum

The most interesting question was what would you do if you became Governor? Banks said he'd continue Asa's "Grow Arkansas", Matayo would build coalitions between Republicans and Democrats, and Holt would get rid of the liberal bureaucrats and advisors within the government.
My impressions: Matayo is the most qualified, Banks is probably the most electable, Holt needs to attach a brain to his mouth. (OK, I probably shouldn't have said that but, well, he needs to think before he speaks.)

The next debate was the State Senator, District 35; Jim Bob Duggar and Bill Prichard. Prichard seemed to be the more experienced but Duggar showed that he was well match with Prichard. It's going to be tough to choose between them, since they agree on most stuff. I think the most helpful question was what would be their priorities if elected. Prichard's was the budget with it's run-away spending and education. Dugger was concerned about roads in NW Arkansas, the utility costs and immigration.

Last was the State Rep. District 93; Kathy McFetridge and Jon Woods. These two are different. Woods is a true, die hard, conservative Republican. McFetridge is a Republican, but more toward the liberal side. On the issue of returning tax money, Woods said it's taxpayer's money, return it to them. He made a pledge that he would not vote for tax increases. McFetridge spoke of finding a balance. I'm not quite sure what she meant by that other than not to give the money back. She did say she wanted the tax on groceries eliminated. One additional comment she made in regards to school vouchers; she support tax increases to fund them.
Another area they differed was toll roads. McFetridge said she supported toll roads while Woods opposed them because he felt that NW Arkansas shouldn't pay twice for our roads.
How you vote for McFetridge or Woods is going to depend on what type of Republican you are. The Republican Party encompasses a range of ideas. Although we may have some different views we do have some core values. We need to embrace and promote those values. I hope that the Republican Party is more accepting of some different points of view from their fellow Republicans. We should not follow the hypocrisy of the Democrat Party who say they are tolerant and yet thrash those who do not accept the more liberal ideas of the party. Republicans should be able to say we have disagreements but in the end we are still Republicans.
Previous entries on candidates:
Lt Gov
Senator Dist 35
Rep Dist 93
Between the Storms
Thursday, May 11, 2006
School Bus Hell, Paron High School
Lord, I feel really sorry for these students. They are going to have to spend several hours a day on a miserable school bus. You know, they need to force the school board members to make the same ride these kids face. They should feel the horrendous sentence they've fostered on these kids. They would sing a different tune if they had to ride a school bus several hours a day.
I really hope that Ron Crawford, head of a group that fought the Paron closure, pursues that lawsuit. Sitting on a bus that long is cruel and unusual punishment! It's torture! There's laws against that!
Well, this is good! Asa Hutchinson, Arkansas' 2006 Republican candidate for Governor, said today in a press release that, as Governor, he will require the state Department of Education to set reasonable standards for bus rides for students living in rural and Delta communities.
Speaking to the El Dorado Civitan Club, Hutchinson also urged the Dept. of Education to move forward on a study of isolated schools and the impact of excessive transportation times, which was mandated by the Arkansas Legislature over a year ago but has yet to be undertaken.
I wonder what Mike Beebe's thoughts on this are?
Asa's Press Release
I really hope that Ron Crawford, head of a group that fought the Paron closure, pursues that lawsuit. Sitting on a bus that long is cruel and unusual punishment! It's torture! There's laws against that!
Well, this is good! Asa Hutchinson, Arkansas' 2006 Republican candidate for Governor, said today in a press release that, as Governor, he will require the state Department of Education to set reasonable standards for bus rides for students living in rural and Delta communities.
Speaking to the El Dorado Civitan Club, Hutchinson also urged the Dept. of Education to move forward on a study of isolated schools and the impact of excessive transportation times, which was mandated by the Arkansas Legislature over a year ago but has yet to be undertaken.
I wonder what Mike Beebe's thoughts on this are?
Asa's Press Release
Bill Clinton's Tainted Blood
A Clinton's Arkansas legacy resurfaced when he was in Scotland to address a business conference. Scots infected with HIV and hepatitis protested outside the meeting. They said that he is responsible for their illnesses.
Bill Clinton was at the center of a scandal in Arkansas in the 1980s involving the sale of AIDS-tainted blood to Canada, which was distributed through the Red Cross. Last year the Canadian Red Cross pleaded guilty to distributing blood tainted with HIV and hepatitis C which has killed more than 3,000 people. It paid a fine of $4,000 for causing more than 1,000 Canadians to contract blood-borne HIV and as many as 20,000 to become infected with hepatitis C. Clinton has never been prosecuted for his role in scandal. I don't imagine Clinton really cares about these people. It's more garbage he's had to step around on his quest for money and power.
Storys here and here
See also the film Factor 8
"I needed Factor 8 because I was in pain, but in being given that treatment I was given a death sentence," a protester in Glasgow told BBC.
As a result of the tainted blood product, the man, who did not want to be named, was infected with both HIV and hepatitis C at age 14.
The British network quotes protester Andy Gunn discussing the blood scandal: "They were making a lot of money. In fact, blood was worth more in weight than gold at the time.
"They knew the blood was infected with HIV and hepatitis and the prisoners were themselves dying of these conditions. It was actually illegal to use the blood in America and they secretly sent it up to Canada where it was turned into Factor 8 and punted around the globe."
Bill Clinton was at the center of a scandal in Arkansas in the 1980s involving the sale of AIDS-tainted blood to Canada, which was distributed through the Red Cross. Last year the Canadian Red Cross pleaded guilty to distributing blood tainted with HIV and hepatitis C which has killed more than 3,000 people. It paid a fine of $4,000 for causing more than 1,000 Canadians to contract blood-borne HIV and as many as 20,000 to become infected with hepatitis C. Clinton has never been prosecuted for his role in scandal. I don't imagine Clinton really cares about these people. It's more garbage he's had to step around on his quest for money and power.
Storys here and here
See also the film Factor 8
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Why so Much Longer?
Have you ever noticed projects take much longer than you think they will? I don't know if it's the actual project or all the little piddling things you do to get ready to do it. Maybe it's all that little extra things you do while taking a break. I'm in the kitchen getting a drink, which leads to cleaning the dishes, sweeping up the floor, writing out a grocery list, playing with the dogs, petting the cats, and folding the clothes. It happens every time I take a break, I start doing other things. I'd stop taking breaks but all that bending, digging, kneeling and hauling really starts to hurt after a bit.
Too Much of a Good Thing?
I gave myself a 4-day weekend to get some projects done around the house. Well, I also did some shopping at the craft fairs. Then, I took a road trip to Joplin, taking a western loop through Grove along the Grand Lake of the Cherokees. It was a beautiful drive.
I mostly ignored the news and the blogs I usually read via my web feeder. So, I finally checked out my reader. Oh my God! So many entries! It's going to take awhile to go through everything. I'd seriously think about dumping some of them, except I'm addicted to blogs. Maybe I should join Patrick Kennedy in Rehab. Hello, my name is Valerie and I'm a blogger addict.
I mostly ignored the news and the blogs I usually read via my web feeder. So, I finally checked out my reader. Oh my God! So many entries! It's going to take awhile to go through everything. I'd seriously think about dumping some of them, except I'm addicted to blogs. Maybe I should join Patrick Kennedy in Rehab. Hello, my name is Valerie and I'm a blogger addict.
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Wet Farmer's Market

It was only sprinkling a little bit when Trixie and I hit the Farmer's Market. One of the first things we do is say "Hi!" to Addy. She is always excited to see us.

As we walked around Trixie made sure that she got in her required pets from people.

In spite of the rain there were a few musicians.

I see more flowers every week. This time I pick up a bouquet myself. By the time we've finished it was raining. I decided to spent the rest of the day at the craft fairs that were held in-doors.
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Let Freedom Ring, National Day of Prayer
Words and Music by Phil Laeger, Rebecca St. James and Ted T.
Music Video

This land is built on freedom, Life and liberty for all, We've declared our independence, So we will depend on the One who made it all.

Honor God, America
The land of the free
Honor God, America
O land of liberty
Honor God

So let justice flow like water, And let mercy fall like rain, Those who honor Him, He'll honor; Together let's raise up the One who has made us.
Honor God, America
The land of the free
Honor God, America
O land of liberty
Honor God
From the mountains to the prairies, From the desert to the cities, From the heartland to the coastland, Let our hearts turn to the Lord's hankd, From the moutains to the prairies, From the desert to the cities, From the heartland to the coastland, Let our hearts turn to the Lord.

Honor God, America
The land of the free
Honor God, America
O land of liberty
Honor God
Music Video

This land is built on freedom, Life and liberty for all, We've declared our independence, So we will depend on the One who made it all.

Honor God, America
The land of the free
Honor God, America
O land of liberty
Honor God

So let justice flow like water, And let mercy fall like rain, Those who honor Him, He'll honor; Together let's raise up the One who has made us.

Honor God, America
The land of the free
Honor God, America
O land of liberty
Honor God
From the mountains to the prairies, From the desert to the cities, From the heartland to the coastland, Let our hearts turn to the Lord's hankd, From the moutains to the prairies, From the desert to the cities, From the heartland to the coastland, Let our hearts turn to the Lord.

Honor God, America
The land of the free
Honor God, America
O land of liberty
Honor God
National Day of Prayer, Fayetteville
Those who honor me I will honor. 1 Samuel 2:30

The program opened with the sounding of the Shofar. Jim Hightower and his band provided the music.
Rev. Ronnie Floyd spoke on the great need for spiritual revival and renewal. He defined honor as giving esteem and preference. He laid out the spiritual law of those who give first to God, he then reciprocates it. If we honor Him, He honors us. If we humble ourselves, He lifts us up.
Dr. Floyd told of the 5 Centers of Power Christians need to be praying for.
1) Government
2) Media
(Gene Fulcher, praying)

3) Education
4) Church
(Houston Nutt, praying)

5) Family
(Tom Hodges, praying)
In your grace and mercy, Lord,
draw us back to You.
Return us back to Your
ways once again.
You have promised that if we
honor You, You will honor us.
Turn our hearts back
to honoring You and giving You
the esteem and admiration You deserve.
Those who honor me I will honor. 1 Samuel 2:30

The program opened with the sounding of the Shofar. Jim Hightower and his band provided the music.

1) Government
2) Media
(Gene Fulcher, praying)

3) Education
4) Church
(Houston Nutt, praying)

5) Family
(Tom Hodges, praying)
In your grace and mercy, Lord,
draw us back to You.
Return us back to Your
ways once again.
You have promised that if we
honor You, You will honor us.
Turn our hearts back
to honoring You and giving You
the esteem and admiration You deserve.
National Day of Prayer

I arrived at Central United Methodist Church in Fayetteville bright and early to enjoy the breakfast provided by Atlanta Bread. They laid out a wonderful breakfast.

People enjoyed the breakfast and visited.

This is Duncan Campbell(close my eyes when my picture is taken), the coordinator, and Jeanie Nance, a volunteer.

Melody Miller from KLRC was broadcasting in the lobby.

We are ready for the program to begin.
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