Wednesday, January 21, 2009

No Half-Ass Road

When Tracy Hoskins first proposed the rerouting of Arkansas 112 it sounded like it was a good idea. His suggestion would remove those really rotten curves off Van Asche and Howard Nickel. Somehow his original proposal of rerouting 112 became making a half of a road which conveniently ended into his developments. Fayetteville would pay for half of a road that may or may not eventually become the new 112. While I found the concept of a new 112 something that would be beneficial to Fayetteville, the half-ass job wouldn't. It could take years before Traci developed his land to a point such that he felt it would advantageous to finish the "new" 112. Well, the City Council shot down his half road proposal. If he really wants Arkansas 112 through his development he's going to have to come up with something that will benefit Fayetteville.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
