Monday, October 13, 2008

Judge Hunton, Tossing in Eminent Domain

Why? Why would you purchase a building knowing that the parking that's needed hasn't been found yet? Judge Hunton is going to end his career as a county judge on a dumb-ass decision of using eminent domain to get parking. Judge Hunton wants to destroy homes and businesses for a stupid parking lot? I'm sure the city of Fayetteville is going to be happy to lose the taxes they've been getting from those properties. It's just too bad that the Quorum Court did not plan out the parking before they bought the Terminella Building. Interestingly, Judge Hunton's plan may cause trouble for his son, Earl Hunton, who is running against Mark Martin for State Representative. Eminent Domain is extremely unpopular with voters, so Earl will have to distance himself from his father on this issue. It's possible Mark can make an issue of it. You know, "like father, like son". It must make interesting talk around the Hunton family dinner table.

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