Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Arkansas Legislators Need History Lessons

It should be mandatory that Arkansas legislators take an intensive 4 week course in American History before they start the Legislative Session. Then they won't vote for asinine bills like HB1703. This bill is part of an agenda trying to do away with the role of the Electoral College and have the President voted in office by a majority of votes. If this bill passes out of the legislature, Arkansas's votes and influence in Presidential elections would be worth diddle squat. The bill will ensure that no Presidential candidate will set foot in Arkansas. They will go to the heavier populated cities, New York, LA, San Francisco, Dallas etc. These cities will be electing the President.
The Electoral College was specifically set up to protect the smaller populated states like Arkansas and the dumb-ass legislators are going to throw away that protection.


Anonymous said...

See, after a post like this, I really feel bad I didn't meet you.

Valerie said...

Ahh, don't worry! There'll be plenty more opportunies.

Anonymous said...

"The Electoral College was specifically set up to protect the smaller populated states like Arkansas and the dumb-ass legislators are going to throw away that protection."

What the heck happened to "one person, one vote"? Do you really think the USA should continue being the only "democracy" in which elections are specifically skewed to favor some areas over others? The only "democracy" in which more than 50% of the presidential votes are deliberately discounted? Thrown away, never to have any impact? The only "democracy" in which the minority candidate can "win" the election???

And what the heck to you think Arkansas has to win from such undemocratic arrangement? Since Arkansas is not a "swing state", nobody cares. You are right, Arkansans should know more about history, and about democracy.