Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Cooling on Global Warming?

Dare I hope that people are actually realizing that the global warming freaks are frauds. Is a light bulb going off in people's mind that, "Hey! these guys are really nuts"? The BBC will be dumping Planet Relief, a big day-long TV special about Climate change.
Negative reaction to this summer’s flop Live Earth concert, promoted by Al Gore, was cited as a factor. Audience feedback found that viewers wanted serious, informed programmes about the planet’s future.

Then, reported by Roger Friedman, Leonardo DiCaprio's new film on global warming has bombed with moviegoers.
His environmental documentary, "The 11th Hour," has been a total bust at the box office. After 18 days in release, the film has grossed only $417,913 from ticket sales. The 90-minute snore-fest is playing on 111 screens this week, but that number is likely to be reduced this Friday.

People might be waking up to the fact that their predictions of imminent doom aren't occurring. It might also be that the real scientific facts on the planet's climate is starting to trickle into people's brains. Hopefully, the public's disillusion with the global warming alarmism will lead to stopping the politicians from enacting policies and programs based on global warming.

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