Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Islam - A Deadly Religion

The Twin Towers, Osama bin Laden, the Taliban, Iraq, Iran, bombings in Spain and Britain. I finally got around to discovering the religion that is involved in these events. I've heard that "The Politically Incorrect Quide to Islam (and the Crusades") by Robert Spencer was a good place to start. I am only half way through it and I am mortified at what I am learning.

Muhammad was a murderous thug. He developed Islamic principles to justify his violence and lust. Islam has no moral code similar to the Ten Commandments. The Koran(Qur'an) is unique around the world in counseling it followers to make war against unbelievers. Muslims are to treat non-Muslims three ways. 1) Convert them to Islam, 2)Enslave them if they surrender or 3) destroy them.

Strict adherents to Islam have marked the Civilized World (Europe & USA) for slavery or death under it's rulership. Is this something we are going to allow or are we going to fight?

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