Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Global Warming, Newt Gingrich vs John Kerry

Newt Gingrich and John Kerry debated global warming on C-Span today. I was sadly disappointed in Newt. While Newt had a more sensible position on global warming than Kerry, this debate sure wasn’t his best. Newt agreed that humans were impacting the world's temperatures, and that we were teetering towards a disaster that demanded action. The meat of the debate was that Kerry's approach to solving global warming was through a coercive regulatory litigation machine which would be exorbitantly costly and would transfer a massive amount of power to bureaucrats. Newt took the position that we need to develop new technologies and give people monetary incentives to produce these new technologies. His was the market-based, technological approach.
As far as I'm concerned, when Newt agreed with Kerry that global warming was caused by humans, he lost the argument. I'm thinking that in the coming years Congress is going to enact new legislation to try to curb global warming. It's going to cost us dearly.

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